Welcome to the part of my website dedicated to my twisted wonderland oc, Reese Kingbit!

hes an oc I made based off of king candy from the 2010's disney movie wreck it ralph :)

Hes a very silly boy who likes:


Reese was always a strange child, always babbling about the all bugs he found that evening and running around, getting dirt all over his clothes. he never had many friends, his peers just never really understood. and he was okay with this, after all he still had his sister to keep him company. his dear darling sister, always so... her. she was the only one who knew how it felt, she was the one that would care and comfort Reese in the dead of night when the others would harass and bully him during the day. they loved each other, as siblings do. sure they fought and had their scuffles, but they where always over small things that would be resolved within a matter of minutes. often spending there shared time by going to the local arcade and playing all the games together, they were happy. until one day Reese noticed that one day, his sister had started pulling away from him.

He wasn't quite sure when it started, all he knew is that whenever he would try to hang out with his sister, use his magic around her, or just generally breathe around her she would scowl, insult and run away from him. this obviously perplexed him, why was she acting so strange? he tried to bring up his concerns to his parents but they just said that she was "growing" and that it was natural for her to be annoyed by his presence, but he knew it was something else, he just couldn't exactly figure out what it was. and that's how things were, Reese continued to do what he did best (aka catching bugs) and kept up with his studies, whilst his sister kept pulling away, often downplaying and making Reese feel his achievements weren't all that special, spending her time at the local track and never coming home unless forced too, until she eventually fully moved out, losing contact with Reese in the process. sometimes Reese would try and reconnect with her, often times It wouldn't work due to her cancelling there meetups last minute or just simply not replying, sometimes it would work and they would get to properly reconnect, until his sister would eventually block him out and stop talking to him after she either got bored, got want she wanted from him or fought with him. and they wouldn't talk, until Reese would try and reconnect like he always did, up until he was 16 and left for NRC where he decided to cut her off and stop talking to her completely (or at least try to)

now he's been going to NRC, fairly happy (even if he occasionally feels the urge to crawl out of his own skin) and doing... ok in the grades department? often times just by himself in the library, or courtyard until a certain cat like thing decided to try and get a sweet off him whilst he was practicing his magic...

Reese's ~spotify~ playlists!!! (NRC and Overblot :PPP)